RECENT NEWS > Roy Carr takes us on his personal photographic journey.

Roy Carr takes us on his personal photographic journey.

Let's stay closer to home and allow ourselves to look!
Once we had sorted the technical problems that have haunted this presentation, members were treated to a thought provoking and inspirational talk by Roy Carr. Roy is well known for his landscape photography, and his admirable work is best viewed on his website “”, but, as he explained in detail, he is now embarking on a new photographic journey, in which he explores his evolving relationship with photography as a means to maintain his emotional and personal well-being. His passion and enthusiasm for his art and its communication to others shone through the evening, and will make us all think, and wonder more about the world around us in the coming weeks.

After a short presentation of his exploits in familiar landscapes, recording the ever popular, and highly recognisable scenes such as the Old Man of Storr, Corfe Castle, Glencoe and the Lakes, Roy urged us to change our approach, and look closer to home when seeking appropriate subjects. Urging us to “look at, and carefully consider” the things on our doorsteps, he started with the flowers and creatures in his back garden, before venturing further afield and drawing inspiration from family, from local history and the people that helped to forge it, and to the landscapes that surround his various rural homes.

Roy very skilfully illustrated the view that “there are pictures everywhere” as long as “we allow ourselves to look”. By the end of the evening, I personally felt that I had been on a relaxing tour of rural Wales, experiencing first hand the moody mists and towering trees, wallowing in the waterfalls and loitering amongst the leaves of the local landscapes. Roy’s gentle, restful and thoughtful approach, as described, certainly made me rethink what it is I am trying to achieve, to communicate and create with my camera beyond the obvious.

Roy shared many personal, deeply emotional thoughts and feelings, and was warmly thanked for a most enjoyable evening, which he appeared to enjoy as much as we did !

Next week our Zoom meeting explores Astrophotography and members are reminded to be considering their entries for the next competition, the “Letter S”.

Jenny Short.