In the Mist by Pamela Bruce-Lockhart Winner Mono
February 2023 OPEN
New judge practises on us !
Louise Bailey and Pamela Bruce Lockhart are to be congratulated for winning the 2023 February Open Colour and Monochrome Competitions respectively. Louise for her close up of a “Deer” and Pamela for her haunting figures “In the Mist”.
For newly qualified judge, Jay Hailsworth, this was his first official assignment in the role, although as a long-time member of Bristol Photographic Society he is used to critiquing the work of others, and he was very thorough in his scrutiny- in fact, to say he left no stone unturned would be a fair comment!
His aim was to act as a “critical friend” in the hope that his feedback would help us to improve. We certainly got some very helpful tips on keylines for better presentations and where to look up the times of tides and sunrises, and he also included a host of advice based upon his own experience, on composition, cropping and lighting that gave us food for thought, will certainly fuel some healthy debate for the immediate future, and will hopefully inform our next competition choices! We wish him well.
The photos that made the cut, and those that were placed, can be seen on our web gallery under Competition Results, and they are worth a closer look.
In the Colour section Diana Walker, Graham Nicholls, and Jenny Short were commended as was Pamela Bruce Lockhart twice and Louise Bailey for her “Looking Up”. Highly commended were entries from Tony Nineham, Diana Walker, Janice Cuer and Jill Toman. Tony was placed 3rd with his motor cross image “The High Jump”, Jenny Short was placed 2nd with “Autumn Glory” and the worthy winner was Louise with her “Deer”.
There were some strong images in the Mono section and commended were Pamela Bruce Lockhart, Suzanne Ladd, Louise Bailey and Jill Toman. Highly commended were Janice Cuer (twice), Jenny Short, Jill Toman and Suzanne Ladd. Janice was awarded 3rd place for her image entitled “In the Mist” whilst Jill Toman’s “Church of St Thomas, Slovenia” was placed 2nd to the very atmospheric image of figures “In the Mist” taken by Pamela.
It was an evening that saw many return to competition entry, so it was quite long compared with some in recent months. Some members will undoubtedly consider the crops and the changes suggested by Jay , and I for one will certainly not make the rooky mistake of entering an overwhelmingly black and white image that I had not converted from the original colour into the mono section. ( I did do it but sent the wrong one to the Comp!!) However, I am not so sure I shall be drastically cropping the portrait of my long suffering husband, removing his wedding ring and surrounding him with a vignette, any time soon !
Next week we will reveal the favourite photos of our President, Margot Witcombe as judged for the Witcombe Trophy 2022, that will be awarded at the Annual Dinner in March.
Jenny Short 10. 02.2023
For newly qualified judge, Jay Hailsworth, this was his first official assignment in the role, although as a long-time member of Bristol Photographic Society he is used to critiquing the work of others, and he was very thorough in his scrutiny- in fact, to say he left no stone unturned would be a fair comment!
His aim was to act as a “critical friend” in the hope that his feedback would help us to improve. We certainly got some very helpful tips on keylines for better presentations and where to look up the times of tides and sunrises, and he also included a host of advice based upon his own experience, on composition, cropping and lighting that gave us food for thought, will certainly fuel some healthy debate for the immediate future, and will hopefully inform our next competition choices! We wish him well.
The photos that made the cut, and those that were placed, can be seen on our web gallery under Competition Results, and they are worth a closer look.
In the Colour section Diana Walker, Graham Nicholls, and Jenny Short were commended as was Pamela Bruce Lockhart twice and Louise Bailey for her “Looking Up”. Highly commended were entries from Tony Nineham, Diana Walker, Janice Cuer and Jill Toman. Tony was placed 3rd with his motor cross image “The High Jump”, Jenny Short was placed 2nd with “Autumn Glory” and the worthy winner was Louise with her “Deer”.
There were some strong images in the Mono section and commended were Pamela Bruce Lockhart, Suzanne Ladd, Louise Bailey and Jill Toman. Highly commended were Janice Cuer (twice), Jenny Short, Jill Toman and Suzanne Ladd. Janice was awarded 3rd place for her image entitled “In the Mist” whilst Jill Toman’s “Church of St Thomas, Slovenia” was placed 2nd to the very atmospheric image of figures “In the Mist” taken by Pamela.
It was an evening that saw many return to competition entry, so it was quite long compared with some in recent months. Some members will undoubtedly consider the crops and the changes suggested by Jay , and I for one will certainly not make the rooky mistake of entering an overwhelmingly black and white image that I had not converted from the original colour into the mono section. ( I did do it but sent the wrong one to the Comp!!) However, I am not so sure I shall be drastically cropping the portrait of my long suffering husband, removing his wedding ring and surrounding him with a vignette, any time soon !
Next week we will reveal the favourite photos of our President, Margot Witcombe as judged for the Witcombe Trophy 2022, that will be awarded at the Annual Dinner in March.
Jenny Short 10. 02.2023