Sunrise at Selca
Jill takes top honours in Colour Section for May
Land and seascapes to the fore.
Beryl Heaton is a judge well known to NRPS and across the SW for her no-nonsense approach, genuine appreciation, and sound advice immersed in accurate but brief descriptions that are often laboured by other judges. Her feedback had real purpose, and was much appreciated by all. Sadly Beryl was not overly keen on the multiple exposure imagery and more abstract efforts that some of us made, but she confesses to that being a matter of personal taste, and we are reminded again, that in general we take images for ourselves not to please the judges!
In the Colour section Jill Toman swept the board, taking all three top places with one of her usual high quality landscapes, “Sunrise at Selca”, an action shot at the annual Mendip Farmers’ Point to Point and more unusually, with a nature entry entitled “Pine Marten”. Tony Nineham got two highly commended with “Fish Breakfast” and “That Wanka Tree” with Graham Nicholls also highly commended for “Diving into Touch Down”.
In the Mono competition, again individuals dominated. Suzanne Ladd won with her “Capturing the moment”, was second with “Prince of Wales Bridge” and was commended for ”Weathered” . Diana Walker was placed third with “Starling Murmuration” and was highly commended for her Great Grey Owl. Jill Toman was again on the board with her highly commended “Harvest Mice” with Jenny Short highly commended for a surfing shot and commended for the gritty studio portrait of “Keith”. Also commended was Graham Nicholls for “Sidecar in the air”.
We will complete our season of weekly meetings next week with a presentation by Lou Scholes- her first, and look forward to the planned walks in June.
Jenny Short.19.05 2023
In the Colour section Jill Toman swept the board, taking all three top places with one of her usual high quality landscapes, “Sunrise at Selca”, an action shot at the annual Mendip Farmers’ Point to Point and more unusually, with a nature entry entitled “Pine Marten”. Tony Nineham got two highly commended with “Fish Breakfast” and “That Wanka Tree” with Graham Nicholls also highly commended for “Diving into Touch Down”.
In the Mono competition, again individuals dominated. Suzanne Ladd won with her “Capturing the moment”, was second with “Prince of Wales Bridge” and was commended for ”Weathered” . Diana Walker was placed third with “Starling Murmuration” and was highly commended for her Great Grey Owl. Jill Toman was again on the board with her highly commended “Harvest Mice” with Jenny Short highly commended for a surfing shot and commended for the gritty studio portrait of “Keith”. Also commended was Graham Nicholls for “Sidecar in the air”.
We will complete our season of weekly meetings next week with a presentation by Lou Scholes- her first, and look forward to the planned walks in June.
Jenny Short.19.05 2023