RECENT NEWS > Tony and Louise- an evening of skilful images!
Cold Turkey by Louise

Tony and Louise- an evening of skilful images!

Tony goes trackside and Louise goes turkey!
The latest NRPS Zoom evening illustrated just how willing members are to share and describe their images, and how talented we all are in such a range of genres! The evening hosted jointly by Louise Scholes and Tony Nineham was both entertaining and engaging, and gave us a chance to see images we had not viewed before from both enthusiasts.

Louise showed us just how skilful she is with a macro, early in the morning, when she gets up close and personal to her unsuspecting subjects before most of us see the early light of day. Most impressive were the leaf clinging ladybirds, and spiders bejewelled with dew on backdrops of bluebells or wild garlic emerging from the undergrowth. Her fascination with all things wildlife ( and strangeley, Turkeys!) shone through her images of Squirrels and Wildcats, as well as Foxes but we also glimpsed some interesting landscapes taken on a recent holiday. Could this be an emerging obsession?

Tony’s images were equally spellbinding, captured on visits to Chew Valley Lake, Bath Abbey and Tyntesfield, but also featuring a whole range not seen before from last year’s New Zealand trip that has generated a flurry of competition successes for him earlier this season. Not known for his attempts at ICM, Tony nevertheless, displayed a range of these, and also illustrated how he applied the technique to a Roman Baths hologram, but we all know his passion for speed way subjects and we thoroughly enjoyed his explanations of settings used at the motor cycling events and when and depicting the cars grass track racing at Castle Combe.

These two members certainly showcased their skills last night, and once again reinforced the fact that the programme organised for members is richly varied and educational. We learn as much from each other as we ever do from judges and long may the atmosphere of collaboration continue at NRPS. Thanks again to both these members as our season moves into the summer outings planned, but not before one final talk by Bob Bishop entitled “A Few of me Pics”

Jenny Short. 17.05.2024