September Open Competition results
Jill and Diana take the honours.
It was good to welcome Simon Caplan back as a judge for our September Open Competition. A keen member of Bristol Photographic Society and Bristol Creations, he is an experienced judge, known in his own right for not only landscape and travel photography but also for abstract work and still life material that is “found” in the natural environment and in our towns and cities. He is becoming quite a regular with us, and we look forward to a time when he will, perhaps, attend again in person. Renowned for his well-considered comments, and feedback that balances advice and critique on technique with due consideration of emotional impact, Simon was true to form, and wisely reminded us again that judging is very subjective, and that we should not be unduly influenced by his or anyone else’s point of view, but to do what we do because we like it! Good advice indeed.
We had a good number of entries again, which is testament to the enthusiasm and determination of our members to improve. We were delighted by Simon’s appreciation of the quality of the entries too, that he remarked upon at length. As a result, he made no apology for the number of entries he took through to the final cuts, feeling they deserved merit and a wider audience. With this in mind we will be routinely printing and mounting all winning entries to this season’s competitions, with a view to making them available in the wider community for impromptu “pop up exhibitions”.
The September Open colour competition was won by Jill Toman with “Dartmouth Steam Railway”. In second place was Jane Lewis with her “Do my spots look big in this?” and third place honours went to Jenny Short with “Sunrise in Snowdonia”.
Jill, Jane and Jenny were also commended for one of their other entries in the category together with Diana Walker, Jane Richardson and Graham Nicholls. Graham and Diana had a further entry highly commended, as did Louise Bailey, Dan Clarke and Tony Nineham.
In the Open mono competition the honours went 1st and 3rd to Diana Walker for “Tawny Owl” and “Four Spotted Chaser”, whilst 2nd place went to Suzanne Ladd with “The Farmer’s Little Helper”.
Diana Walker was commended in the mono category as were Jill Toman and Jane Lewis, with two further entries from Jenny Short also commended. Pamela Bruce Lockhart was awarded two highly commended, and another surfing shot by Jenny Short was similarly awarded highly commended.
There were the inevitable disappointments- I was less than enthusiastic at the time about his suggestion that I use focus stacking to improve my macro flower, but this morning woke up and decided to have a go! Hopefully he had the same effect on a few others!! Next week we look forward to a face to face meeting- our first in over two years, and hopefully we are cracking on with preparing our Triptychs for the next competition!
Jenny Short 16. 09.2022
We had a good number of entries again, which is testament to the enthusiasm and determination of our members to improve. We were delighted by Simon’s appreciation of the quality of the entries too, that he remarked upon at length. As a result, he made no apology for the number of entries he took through to the final cuts, feeling they deserved merit and a wider audience. With this in mind we will be routinely printing and mounting all winning entries to this season’s competitions, with a view to making them available in the wider community for impromptu “pop up exhibitions”.
The September Open colour competition was won by Jill Toman with “Dartmouth Steam Railway”. In second place was Jane Lewis with her “Do my spots look big in this?” and third place honours went to Jenny Short with “Sunrise in Snowdonia”.
Jill, Jane and Jenny were also commended for one of their other entries in the category together with Diana Walker, Jane Richardson and Graham Nicholls. Graham and Diana had a further entry highly commended, as did Louise Bailey, Dan Clarke and Tony Nineham.
In the Open mono competition the honours went 1st and 3rd to Diana Walker for “Tawny Owl” and “Four Spotted Chaser”, whilst 2nd place went to Suzanne Ladd with “The Farmer’s Little Helper”.
Diana Walker was commended in the mono category as were Jill Toman and Jane Lewis, with two further entries from Jenny Short also commended. Pamela Bruce Lockhart was awarded two highly commended, and another surfing shot by Jenny Short was similarly awarded highly commended.
There were the inevitable disappointments- I was less than enthusiastic at the time about his suggestion that I use focus stacking to improve my macro flower, but this morning woke up and decided to have a go! Hopefully he had the same effect on a few others!! Next week we look forward to a face to face meeting- our first in over two years, and hopefully we are cracking on with preparing our Triptychs for the next competition!
Jenny Short 16. 09.2022