Back to regular meetings - at least virtually!
Show Your Own kicks off the Autumn meetings.
So, we opened the Autumn season on Thursday 3rd with our Zoom meeting to replace the usual gatherings at the social club, now suspended until at least January. The planned meeting was a “Show Your Own” and hopefully everyone has sent their entries for the upcoming Open Competition to Jill digitally. Our programme can proceed with very little variation and a bit of effort and goodwill all round . I am happy to say 10 of us met virtually with 15 pictures each to show and talk about.
Jill was away in Dartmouth but sent hers anyway, and we enjoyed her trips down memory lane through her landscapes and family portraits. Pamela, Jane and Janice have all worked hard to sort out their Zoom problems and were able to show their pictures with ease, demonstrating how much they have learned in the last six months through the continued walks and Challenges. Pamela has really got into Intentional Camera Movement for abstracts, and Jane has seemingly forged a new relationship with her Lumix and its focusing quirks. Bill , Graham and after a slight hitch Dan, were all able to share their work and it was just a shame that Suzanne had internet problems and disappeared before we could see hers. I hope to sort that tomorrow. What I think was really good about the evening was the amount of narrative and discussion that accompanied the photos, generating strong support and encouragement as well as appreciation and advice. This is something that has not previously been a feature of such sharing , and those that take part seem to really enjoy the opportunities to talk.
Members are keen to resume the walks we have been enjoying throughout the summer months and with this in mind can I suggest that next Thursday 10th September at 2pm, anyone who would like to go for a stroll and get together with cameras, meets in the car park at the Dundas Aquaduct ( BA2 7JD - there is a small parking charge) and we take a leisurely stroll by the canal/river/railway? There is a thriving open air café too so we can relax at the end if we would like to.
I think we all understand the September Challenges-read about them in the relevant section on the website it you have not already done so.
Next week’s meeting , again a Zoom, on Thursday 10th September at 7.30-9.00pm I shall be leading a “practical” session entitled “Get Creative with Paper and Textures”. Whilst trying to get you take photos whilst Zooming may not be possible, I want to explain the ideas behind abstraction of shapes and colour using a simple set up with paper and simple lighting on a table top set up. It will be a challenge for me, and I want you all to actively take part, so with this in mind make sure that you have the following to hand, ready to play with during the Zoom meeting:
• About 6 sheets of white A4 paper
• Paper clips and/or small bulldog clips
• A plain coloured background
• A torch/desklamp or similar light source- you could use the light on your mobile phone -I use a lightbox but not everyone has one.
• Coloured tissue paper sheets
• A sheet of clear Perspex or glass (as in from a photo frame) or a coffee table with a glass top
• Something like stacks of books (or I actually use toilet rolls!) to support the sheet so the light source can be positioned underneath it.
• If you want to add textures then it helps to have a collection of your own to draw on , preferably saved in mono, that you can use in post processing.
I have put the presentation I will be using into a Powerpoint that I shall send to all participants afterwards, when hopefully you can all have a go at taking the photos and have some to show and talk about by Thursday 24th September.
Have a good week and make the most of whatever the weather throws at you!.
Jenny Short
September 4th 2020.
Jill was away in Dartmouth but sent hers anyway, and we enjoyed her trips down memory lane through her landscapes and family portraits. Pamela, Jane and Janice have all worked hard to sort out their Zoom problems and were able to show their pictures with ease, demonstrating how much they have learned in the last six months through the continued walks and Challenges. Pamela has really got into Intentional Camera Movement for abstracts, and Jane has seemingly forged a new relationship with her Lumix and its focusing quirks. Bill , Graham and after a slight hitch Dan, were all able to share their work and it was just a shame that Suzanne had internet problems and disappeared before we could see hers. I hope to sort that tomorrow. What I think was really good about the evening was the amount of narrative and discussion that accompanied the photos, generating strong support and encouragement as well as appreciation and advice. This is something that has not previously been a feature of such sharing , and those that take part seem to really enjoy the opportunities to talk.
Members are keen to resume the walks we have been enjoying throughout the summer months and with this in mind can I suggest that next Thursday 10th September at 2pm, anyone who would like to go for a stroll and get together with cameras, meets in the car park at the Dundas Aquaduct ( BA2 7JD - there is a small parking charge) and we take a leisurely stroll by the canal/river/railway? There is a thriving open air café too so we can relax at the end if we would like to.
I think we all understand the September Challenges-read about them in the relevant section on the website it you have not already done so.
Next week’s meeting , again a Zoom, on Thursday 10th September at 7.30-9.00pm I shall be leading a “practical” session entitled “Get Creative with Paper and Textures”. Whilst trying to get you take photos whilst Zooming may not be possible, I want to explain the ideas behind abstraction of shapes and colour using a simple set up with paper and simple lighting on a table top set up. It will be a challenge for me, and I want you all to actively take part, so with this in mind make sure that you have the following to hand, ready to play with during the Zoom meeting:
• About 6 sheets of white A4 paper
• Paper clips and/or small bulldog clips
• A plain coloured background
• A torch/desklamp or similar light source- you could use the light on your mobile phone -I use a lightbox but not everyone has one.
• Coloured tissue paper sheets
• A sheet of clear Perspex or glass (as in from a photo frame) or a coffee table with a glass top
• Something like stacks of books (or I actually use toilet rolls!) to support the sheet so the light source can be positioned underneath it.
• If you want to add textures then it helps to have a collection of your own to draw on , preferably saved in mono, that you can use in post processing.
I have put the presentation I will be using into a Powerpoint that I shall send to all participants afterwards, when hopefully you can all have a go at taking the photos and have some to show and talk about by Thursday 24th September.
Have a good week and make the most of whatever the weather throws at you!.
Jenny Short
September 4th 2020.