Graham hits the Sunshine state!
Out and about in California.
Our regular Zoom meeting was led this week by member Graham Nicholls, author of the book “Alpine Plants of North America”, whose mantra that “gardens are a lot like people-they don’t necessarily get along with everyone” is worth remembering! He has a passion second to none for Alpine Plants, and following his retirement in the 1990s he set up a specialist alpine nursery that exported to countries all over the world.
His expertise has long been celebrated both at home and abroad, and he has spent a considerable amount of time with his wife, Iris, travelling as a much-in-demand speaker on the subject in the USA. His highly entertaining talk took us on a journey around California and its flora and fauna, but also featured tales of friendships made, and places of interest that remain as enduring memories for him in his photographs and in the plants he continues to tend and nurture. Nowadays Graham captures the beauty of his plants in his photography, framing each specimen in ways that celebrate their colour, shape and form, so that we at the Society benefit from the years of experience he has built up over time in the botanical world, and blends so well with his skills in photography and presentation.
We always enjoy his photos and the tales he tells with a twinkle in his eye, so it was probably no surprise to anyone that the second half of the evening featured a movie made by one of Graham’s sons, of his father in a dinghy enjoying a lifelong wish to shoot some rapids. Whilst it was not in the Grand Canyon or in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains, we enjoyed the trip and were glad that Graham stayed in the boat rather than ending up the water as did some of his crewmates! It was a relaxed and entertaining evening and Graham was warmly thanked for his efforts in putting the presentation together.
Members are still enjoying socially distanced walks with cameras and we re visited Mells to explore the village we did not have time for last week on Wednesday. A trip to Folly Farm is on the agenda next week. The November Challenge is now almost over and photos are in the gallery. In December members are charged with taking a mystery photo that aptly illustrates a well known Christmas poem or carol so that our efforts can be included as a round in the Christmas Quiz that is scheduled for 17th December on an evening organised traditionally by the Chair.
Jenny Short
His expertise has long been celebrated both at home and abroad, and he has spent a considerable amount of time with his wife, Iris, travelling as a much-in-demand speaker on the subject in the USA. His highly entertaining talk took us on a journey around California and its flora and fauna, but also featured tales of friendships made, and places of interest that remain as enduring memories for him in his photographs and in the plants he continues to tend and nurture. Nowadays Graham captures the beauty of his plants in his photography, framing each specimen in ways that celebrate their colour, shape and form, so that we at the Society benefit from the years of experience he has built up over time in the botanical world, and blends so well with his skills in photography and presentation.
We always enjoy his photos and the tales he tells with a twinkle in his eye, so it was probably no surprise to anyone that the second half of the evening featured a movie made by one of Graham’s sons, of his father in a dinghy enjoying a lifelong wish to shoot some rapids. Whilst it was not in the Grand Canyon or in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains, we enjoyed the trip and were glad that Graham stayed in the boat rather than ending up the water as did some of his crewmates! It was a relaxed and entertaining evening and Graham was warmly thanked for his efforts in putting the presentation together.
Members are still enjoying socially distanced walks with cameras and we re visited Mells to explore the village we did not have time for last week on Wednesday. A trip to Folly Farm is on the agenda next week. The November Challenge is now almost over and photos are in the gallery. In December members are charged with taking a mystery photo that aptly illustrates a well known Christmas poem or carol so that our efforts can be included as a round in the Christmas Quiz that is scheduled for 17th December on an evening organised traditionally by the Chair.
Jenny Short