Christmas cheer at NRPS
It's been a difficult year, but we are still meeting up!
As is traditionally the case at NRPS, members gather on the last club evening of the calendar year to raise a glass and enjoy an evening organised by the Chair. Notwithstanding the restrictions placed upon us as a result of the Pandemic, we duly conducted proceedings over Zoom, enjoying a light hearted evening in which we engaged in a Photographic Quiz with a Christmas theme.
Teams of two collaborated through private chat rooms on the answers to a six-round quiz in which questions ranged from photographic knowledge to abbreviations of technical terms, with a couple of rounds of pictures giving clues to the titles of Christmas Carols, Songs and Poems thrown in for good measure. Take a look on our website for a selection of these that came in as a result of the December Challenge- they are in the appropriate gallery.
There was nothing too taxing in the quiz, but with a festive tipple and much laughter over Christmas headgear, powers of recall sometimes failed, so that hot debate ensued. John and Pip joined us for the evening and were the eventual narrow winners, with Tony and Diana in second place pursued by Jill and Graham in third. There were no prizes, just a satisfying reassurance that all the efforts made throughout the year to keep in touch, have resulted in the retention of an increasingly friendly group of enthusiasts, who look forward to a varied programme of online events from January. As well as the planned competitions this includes judging on Picture of The Year, as well as the opportunity to have a go at producing a photographic panel of five photos on a theme, to be informally discussed and critiqued by colleagues.
Our walks will resume in 2021, whatever the weather, and we will hold a postponed annual awards dinner as soon as we possibly can. The Challenge for now is to produce a few panels of five photos on a theme, and send them to Jenny in time for the first meeting of 2021 on January 7th.
We wish everyone in the local community a very Happy Christmas, in the hope that the New Year will be a better one all round, with everyone feeling safe in the company of others.
Jenny Short
Teams of two collaborated through private chat rooms on the answers to a six-round quiz in which questions ranged from photographic knowledge to abbreviations of technical terms, with a couple of rounds of pictures giving clues to the titles of Christmas Carols, Songs and Poems thrown in for good measure. Take a look on our website for a selection of these that came in as a result of the December Challenge- they are in the appropriate gallery.
There was nothing too taxing in the quiz, but with a festive tipple and much laughter over Christmas headgear, powers of recall sometimes failed, so that hot debate ensued. John and Pip joined us for the evening and were the eventual narrow winners, with Tony and Diana in second place pursued by Jill and Graham in third. There were no prizes, just a satisfying reassurance that all the efforts made throughout the year to keep in touch, have resulted in the retention of an increasingly friendly group of enthusiasts, who look forward to a varied programme of online events from January. As well as the planned competitions this includes judging on Picture of The Year, as well as the opportunity to have a go at producing a photographic panel of five photos on a theme, to be informally discussed and critiqued by colleagues.
Our walks will resume in 2021, whatever the weather, and we will hold a postponed annual awards dinner as soon as we possibly can. The Challenge for now is to produce a few panels of five photos on a theme, and send them to Jenny in time for the first meeting of 2021 on January 7th.
We wish everyone in the local community a very Happy Christmas, in the hope that the New Year will be a better one all round, with everyone feeling safe in the company of others.
Jenny Short