Winning photos POY 2019
Jill Toman is overall most consistent in both colour and monochrome competitions throughout 2019, and also wins the Portrait POY , but Geoff Noad wins the Witcombe Millenium Cup with "Milky Way in Namibia" and takes the overall Picture of the Year 2019 award with "Porthcawl" which also won the Sports/Action section.
The NRPS held its Annual Presentation Dinner on Thursday 6th February at The Old Down Inn where the hospitality and service was outstanding. Maxine and her staff ensured that we were well looked after , and the evening was thoroughly enjoyable for all 20 of the members and guests that attended. Committee members met to set up the room earlier in the day, so that the photos entered for the annual awards were displayed to best effect , and Jill Toman ensured that the certificates were prepared, the trophies were gleaming and suitably engraved with 2019 winners.
In the absence of Hon. President, Margot Witcombe, Chairperson Jenny Short presented the monthly competitions and Picture of the Year awards, and Geoff Noad kindly took photos of the winners of awards with Suzanne, his trusty assistant, stepping in when Geoff himself was named a winner- which was more than once!
Monthly Competitions
Colour – 1st Jill Toman 62 points, 2nd Suzanne Ladd 45 points, 3rd Bill Collett 44 points
Black and White – 1st Jill Toman 74 points, 2nd Bill Collett 56 points, 3rd Jenny Short 48 points
The Witcombe Millennium Cup, as judged most popular by the public at the Annual Exhibition this year went to Geoff Noad for his “Milky Way in Namibia”
Portrait/People – 1st Jill Toman “Man in Marrakech”, 2nd Diana Walker “Brown Bear” , 3rd Jenny Short “Reflective Bowler”
Sport/Action – 1st Geoff Noad “Porthcawl”, 2nd Bill Collett “Runner”, 3rd Ivy Goatcher “Judo”
Landscape/Seascape/Cityscape- 1st Suzanne Ladd “Desertscape”, 2nd Geoff Noad “Milky Way in Namibia”, 3rd Jill Toman “Autumn in Ullswater”
Any Other Subject – 1st Graham Nicholls “Three of a Kind”, 2nd Suzanne Ladd “No 33”, 3rd Diana Walker “Peregrine Falcon”.
Geoff Noad was proclaimed the WINNER OF PICTURE OF THE YEAR with his dramatic and stormy “Porthcawl”
In the absence of Hon. President, Margot Witcombe, Chairperson Jenny Short presented the monthly competitions and Picture of the Year awards, and Geoff Noad kindly took photos of the winners of awards with Suzanne, his trusty assistant, stepping in when Geoff himself was named a winner- which was more than once!
Monthly Competitions
Colour – 1st Jill Toman 62 points, 2nd Suzanne Ladd 45 points, 3rd Bill Collett 44 points
Black and White – 1st Jill Toman 74 points, 2nd Bill Collett 56 points, 3rd Jenny Short 48 points
The Witcombe Millennium Cup, as judged most popular by the public at the Annual Exhibition this year went to Geoff Noad for his “Milky Way in Namibia”
Portrait/People – 1st Jill Toman “Man in Marrakech”, 2nd Diana Walker “Brown Bear” , 3rd Jenny Short “Reflective Bowler”
Sport/Action – 1st Geoff Noad “Porthcawl”, 2nd Bill Collett “Runner”, 3rd Ivy Goatcher “Judo”
Landscape/Seascape/Cityscape- 1st Suzanne Ladd “Desertscape”, 2nd Geoff Noad “Milky Way in Namibia”, 3rd Jill Toman “Autumn in Ullswater”
Any Other Subject – 1st Graham Nicholls “Three of a Kind”, 2nd Suzanne Ladd “No 33”, 3rd Diana Walker “Peregrine Falcon”.
Geoff Noad was proclaimed the WINNER OF PICTURE OF THE YEAR with his dramatic and stormy “Porthcawl”