

A warm welcome to Norton Radstock Photographic Society

IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO JOIN OUR SOCIETY PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE LINK BELOW TO THE APPLICATION FORM and post in your browser, or go to the LINKS section for the direct link


The Society was formed in 1974 and met fortnightly at first at the local Technical College. In 1976 a formal committee was formed and its first Chair was Alban Seymour (Albie) who stood down with advancing years in 1994 since when his daughter, Margot Witcombe, served continuously in the role until she stepped down in 2019 and became our first Honorary president. Members met regularly at first the Tyning Inn, then the Waldegrave Inn, the Welton Bag Social Club and until COVID struck met weekly on a Thursday evening at The Midsomer Norton Social Club. Following a return to more normal circumstances, since September 2022 the Society meets in the Masonic Hall in Midsomer Norton on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month and on all other Thursdays by Zoom. All meetings begin at 7.00pm.

Jenny Short, a member since 2014, was elected Chair at the AGM in March 2019 and currently remains in the post.

Annual subscription , due after the AGM and payable by the end of April is £35 and face to face meetings incur a charge of £2 (£3 for visitors) and that entitles them to a hot drink and some home made cake!

The Club currently provides an interesting and varied program annually. In June and July we have had evenings out to various local places of interest, .We have talks by experienced lecturers, competitions in club and with other local clubs. A small group of AV enthusiasts within the club meets monthly at a separate venue to hone their skills.

WEEKLY PHOTOGRAPHIC CHALLENGES so popular during the Pandemic, have ceased currently . From February 2022 until June an Exhibition at The Radstock Museum featured our late Club Secretary, Mike Witcombe and the club. He had a vast collection of old cameras and projectors that are all on display, and there ws a great deal of information about local photographers from the past who worked or lived locally. We resume a presence again in 2022 in the form of an Exhibition at the Midsomer Norton Day in July at the Midsomer Centre. We also exhibit at the Writhlington Flower Show annually and photograph the important communnity gathrs for Westfield Council.

If you want to know more you could copy and paste this link ( https://player.autopod.xyz/214712 ) to an interview with our Chair conducted by Richard Burgess on the local Somer Valley FM in the summer of 2022 after the Midsomer Norton Day that was photographed by members. Alternatively, or perhaps additionally, why not browse our Galleries and go to our News section to see what we have been up to recently and what's coming up that you might be interested in.

Non members can attend our meetings to hear speakers that interest them for a fee of £3 on the night when times are normal- when virtual it will be by arrangement . Use the CONTACT US facility on this website . .